Sunday, March 6, 2011

15 weeks 1 day- GREAT DAY!

So this last Wednesday i was up until 330 am watching "in the womb" on twins. I was so excited to find out what we were having and then this show was on so I didn't fall asleep forever. On Thursday we went to our doctors appointment and they put us in a normal room. Chris and I looked at each other questioningly because we thought we were supposed to have another ultrasound. When the doctor came in he remembered we had twins and moved us into the u.s. room. I was so excited that my heart was going a million miles an hour. Unfortunately my doctor has a ultrasound machine for the 1950s and it was not good enough to see the genders. He told us that they were moving too much and that since i was only 15 weeks we wouldn't be able to tell anyway. I was so so so sad :( He set us up to see the high risk specialist April 1st and said that they will be able to tell us the genders then. We left kinda bummed.
well lucky for us there is a Fetal photo place right across the street from the hospital. I asked Chris if we could just go talk to them and check it out. when we got there the girl was so sweet. She showed us all the packages and we decided we would do the 3d package.It was about 130 bucks but so worth every dollar. We got to spend about 20 minutes just watching our little babies dance all over.

And the big news!!!! WE ARE EXPECTING A .......

and a BOY!!
We are so so blessed with a beautiful little prince and princess. Okay a small story that I don't want to forget about. During the ultrasound the little boy was much easier to get on the ultrasound. He was showing the goods and dancing all over. We were excited that we got a little boy and at the same time became nervous that the second little one was a boy too. We really wanted one of each but had the feeling it was going to be two of the same gender so when we saw it was a boy we were almost sure the other little was a boy too. When the u.s. tech got the other little one in view baby b was not working with us and was positioned more toward my spine. It felt like an eternity had passed and then.... the u.s. tech labeled it Its a girl!! Chris pretty much jumped up out of his chair and came over and sat right next to me holding my hand. It was just so amazing to find out what our peanuts are and just see their personalities. The little boy was so free just bouncing all over and showing his goods. The little girl loves her hands. The whole time we watched her her little fingers were in or by her mouth. We cant wait to meet these two precious souls and are just so blessed that there are no words explain how much gratitude we have.
Later that night we went to target and bought the first gender preferred clothing. The little girl got a cute little yellow duck outfit and a pink blanket and the little boy got an adorable monkey outfit with a blue blanket that matched the style of the girls. There is so much more fun in our futures.